« A green tea for eternity »
To the west of Fuji Yama, the Abe and Warashina rivers crisscross the land alternating between galloping rapids and peaceful waves.
They irrigate terroirs long celebrated for their unique grands crus, the famous « Meicha », elected by the Tokugawa Shogunate during the Edo period (16th – 18th centuries). Cultivated since the Kamakura era (12th century), today this fabulous green tea is produced exclusively for Mariage Frères while respecting the principles of organic agriculture and its natural environment. The small garden from where this tea comes benefits from a soil rich in minerals and a pure, invigorating mountain air. Long reserved for aristocrats and lords, this precious tea, « Emperor of the Sencha », has transcended time like an elixir of eternal youth.
This green tea from Japan is packaged in a 50g under vacuum pochette.
This green tea from Japan is packaged in a 50 g under vacuum pochette.
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